


请使用 洛约拉的在线连接到大学服务(轨迹) 如果你现在有权限的话. The majority of student, faculty 和 staff needs can be addressed using 轨迹 self-service.  服务请求表格也可通过轨迹在 在线表单 & 帮助 选项卡. If you do not have access to 轨迹, please feel free to use the forms provided below. 

所有表格均以网上方式填写及交回. 如果您无法在线处理,请不要犹豫,通过邮件发送, 传真, 或将填妥的表格交回总注册处 & 记录,还是要的 中心 在湖滨校区的沙利文中心.





芝加哥十大彩票网赌毕业生, 经常是在校生, who plan to work or further their education abroad may need to authenticate their degrees, 成绩单, 和/或他们的文凭. 这个过程通常被称为Apostille. This is the legalization of a document for international use under the terms of the 海牙公约. It is imperative that the  graduate verifies the specific documents 和 authentication required by the receiving country.  Please note that many countries who were not a part of the 海牙公约 are also requiring official certification of a student's education. Please note that while 芝加哥十大彩票网赌 does not charge for the production of 成绩单, 这个过程可能会有一定的费用.


Student emails his/her request to audit a course to the Dean for submission to the Office of Registration & 记录


对于2004年和现在的课程,课程描述可以在 存档课程目录 page.

2003年和更早的年份, 请通过电子邮件发送请求, 传真或邮寄到注册和记录办公室.  Please include your full name used while attending 洛约拉 和 as much information about the course as you may recall (i.e.,. 职称、讲师、任期、部门等.).


The 课程清单表 is available only to the departments, the faculty 和 deans, through 轨迹




Directory Information is information contained in the education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed 和 which can be released by 洛约拉 without the student's permission.  然而,学生有权阻止这些info的发布.



学生可以要求对所修课程的成绩进行回顾. 然而, the decision to change the disputed grade is at the discretion of the faculty member. 学生的成绩是否应该改变, the faculty member will use the Request 级变化 button available on the 轨迹 Grade Roster through the 8th week of the following fall or spring term. Grade changes submitted after the 8th week of the following fall or spring term should be done using the 要求更改职系表格 并送到学生的教务处进行最终批准.


Coursework completed to resolve the mark of "I" (Incomplete) must be submitted within the first 6 weeks of the following term; 6 weeks in to the Fall Term for Spring 和 Summer terms 和 6 weeks in to the Spring Term for Fall 和 j项 work.* The Request 级变化 button available on the 轨迹 Grade Roster is used to submit the final grade. The button is available through the 8th week of the following fall or spring term. Final grades resolving an Incomplete submitted after the 8th week of the following fall or spring term should be done using the 要求更改职系表格 并送到学生的教务处进行最终批准.

*研究生和专业课程的截止日期可能有所不同. 请与院长办公室核实截止日期.


这个学生发起的请求是通过提交 本科生申请不完整标记 (PDF) to your instructor to request an extension to the due date on which the work for your course is to be completed. 这一要求的批准是在导师的自由裁量权. Course work that is incomplete must be finished 和 submitted within 6 weeks of the start of the following term (6 weeks in to the Fall term for Spring 和 Summer term work 和 6 weeks in to the Spring term for Fall 和 j项 work). 你的导师可以根据他或她的判断,设定一个更早的日期. Failure to complete required course work within the allotted time will result in a grade of “F.” Please note: 学生 who are on Academic Probation may not request a temporary mark of Incomplete in any course for the term in which they are on Academic Probation.



当前的学生 may request to change their official name upon production of legal evidence indicating the name change. 可接受的证明文件:经认证的结婚证复印件, court order reflecting name change or dissolution decree reflecting the new name in full, 由政府发行的身份证.

以前的学生 may request to change their official name when there has been a court-ordered change of name. 可接受的文件:反映名称更改的法院命令 由政府发行的身份证.

名称更改申请表(连结如下), 不是副本, must be mailed or h和 delivered to our office along with clear copies of the accep选项卡le documentation (as indicated above) submitted to the notary public. 公证人可以在注册和记录办公室找到, please call ahead at 312-915-7221 to confirm that the notary is in the office on the day of your visit.



  • 必须是书面的、签名的、传真的还是邮寄的.  请提供尽可能详细,这将有助于我们回应您的要求.  FERPA敏感请求可能需要额外处理.  一定要提供明确的联系方式.


学生发起的. 把这份表格用电子邮件发给你的院长.  你的院长会把它提交给注册办公室 & 记录.


学生和学术顾问(或院长), 主席或项目总监)必须填写此表格. 学生 should meet with their academic adviser to discuss requests for permission to take courses at another institution.  欲了解更多info,请访问: http://www.albumix.net/academics/catalog/undergrad/reg_permission.shtml



一般来说,1974年的隐私法( http://www.justice.gov/ opcl / privacyact1974.htm ) makes the disclosure of a student’s Social Security Number ("SSN") to the University voluntary.  然而, there are federal 和 state laws that require the University to collect a student’s SSN in order to provide the student with certain services, 包括但不限于, 就业和学生经济援助. 芝加哥十大彩票网赌 secures the student's SSN 和 uses it only as absolutely required. The SSN is never treated as a part of a student's FERPA defined directory information.

向学校提供你的社会安全号码, 或者需要更正你的号码, 请做到以下几点:

  • 完成并提交 社会安全号码表格..
  • 亲自出现在中心, 或在注册和记录办公室, 北密歇根大街820号, Ste. 510,芝加哥60611. 出示你的社会保障卡和学生证以便复印.
  • 另外, 最初的, 不是副本, of the Social Security Number Form may be mailed to the Office of 注册及记录, 北密歇根大街820号, Ste. 510,芝加哥伊利诺伊州60611. 表格也可以扫描或通过电子邮件发送至 Registrar@卢克.edu. 无论是邮寄还是电子邮件, the attached copies of the Social Security card 和 Student ID must be clean 和 clear.



所有的体育资格花名册需要包括 运动资格申请表格



更多info请浏览我们的网站: http://www.albumix.net/regrec/announcements/


Current student are requested to use 轨迹 to order a certified verification of enrollment.  Former students without 轨迹 access are able to order copies on-line by clicking "核实入学情况."