



欢迎 to the Philosophy 研究生 Program!

洛约拉’s graduate program in philosophy prepares students to be scholars and teachers who are grounded in the history of philosophy as well as contemporary philosophical methodologies. It supports specialization in a variety of contemporary fields, including those that expand the purview of philosophical inquiry beyond its traditional boundaries. Our department values philosophical pluralism, and our faculty represent diverse philosophical schools and perspectives, offering students a uniquely well-rounded education. We also take seriously the commitment of our Jesuit institution to social justice, providing opportunities to pursue philosophical inquiry that is socially engaged, 跨学科, and oriented toward the betterment of the world.

At 洛约拉, we offer four graduate degree programs:

洛约拉’s graduate faculty boasts a wide range of 研究的优点 across the core areas of philosophy, offering a diversity of research paths that students can pursue. 这些优势包括:

  • Social and 政治 Philosophy/Ethics

  • 欧洲大陆哲学

  • 哲学史

  • Critical Philosophy of Race

  • 女权主义

  • 生物伦理学


Excellence in 研究 and Teaching: As a graduate student at 洛约拉, you will be mentored by nationally and internationally re现在ned scholars in your field and receive training through 研究助理, 研讨会, and seminars that prepare you to present and publish original research. 洛约拉 will also prepare you to be an excellent teacher who can design and deliver courses across the core areas of philosophy and adapt to the needs of diverse student bodies.

Professional Development and Placement: 洛约拉 offers extensive training for doctoral students interested in pursuing the academic job market as well as MA students applying to PhD programs. This includes our first year proseminar to prepare students for graduate coursework, 研究助理, and placement and professional development 研讨会 throughout the year.

十大彩票网赌的多样性: The 洛约拉 Philosophy Department is committed to cultivating a diverse, 包容, and welcoming philosophical community. Our graduate faculty is uniquely positioned to support research in underrepresented fields such as critical philosophy of race, 女权主义, 酷儿理论. 洛约拉’s philosophy department also houses a graduate student led Minorities and Philosophy chapter that hosts events and provides mentoring to undergraduate students.

芝加哥’s Philosophical Community: 洛约拉 graduate students are at the heart of one of the most vibrant philosophical communities in the world. Our students can participate in research opportunities at universities in the 芝加哥 area including Northwestern, 德保罗, 芝加哥大学, University of Illinois-芝加哥, as well as other landmark universities in the Midwest region including Marquette, 圣路易斯大学, 和巴黎圣母院. In addition, 洛约拉 houses four 研究小组 主持人和演讲者, 组织会议, and provide opportunities for 洛约拉 graduate students and faculty to present their research: The Phenomenology 研究 Group (PRG), 的社会, 政治, and Legal Philosophy Workshop (SPLW), the 哲学史 Roundtable (HOPR), and the 洛约拉 Ethics and Values Symposia (LEAVS).

职业通道: While 洛约拉 provides an exceptional education for those pursuing careers in academia, we recognize the importance of serving students who are interested in alternative paths. 洛约拉 offers training and internship opportunities that prepare students to enter such fields as academic publishing, 教育行政, 公共政策, 社会工作, 以及计算机编程.


你可以了解更多 如何申请 to our graduate program through our website. Feel free to reach out to our 研究生 Program Director Dr. 詹妮弗·加夫 有问题吗?.